Monday, June 25, 2018


This term we have been working on speeches my topic is why we should stop using palm oil.

Chop! chop! Can you hear that sound of trees and habitats being destroyed to make Products that include palm oil. Palm oil comes from the red fruit of oil palms. Why do people use This oil?How can we help the animals that are dying because of Palm oil? If you use palm oil you need to stop immediately your actions are causing habitats to be destroyed. Firstly the use of  Palm oil is killing harmless animals and it's not there fault. Secondly lots of factories and successful companies are using Palm oil in their products unnecessarily . Finally I will share tips you can use to avoid palm oil and stop being part of this problem.
Firstly the main problem with palm oil is the illegal destruction of rainforests and animal habitats. Right now  production of palm oil is threatening the survival of thousands of animal species, including the orangutan, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran rhino and elephant that rely on these forest to survive. The Sumatran tiger is in serious danger of becoming extinct, there is only 400 of these animals left in Sumatra because two thirds of their habitat has been destroyed and turned into palm oil plantations.the currant esternmation  is that there is 1,500 of the Pygmy elephant left in the wild.the Sumatran rhino is estimated that only 800 - 1,000
Remain in the wild.if we don't  stop these animals will become extinct.

Secondly products could be just as good and maybe even better if they just did not use Palm oil in them.
Products like: shapes, macro corn chips and billie goat soap these products might only have sustainable Palm oil in them but they still do have Palm oil in them.these products are only using palm oil because it is so much cheaper.

Finally tips to avoid Palm oil in the grocery 1. Read the back of the packet look for the ingredients list. If you find Palm oil or vegetable  oil in the ingredient list just simply put it back on the shelf and move on and just a reminder that this oil is also called vegetable oil.2. Recycle the things you can and those tips will probably save a lot of animals lives.

In conclusion we have to STOP this and protect these animals because it is harming the environments and lots of creatures.

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